Concert Review: AVENGED SEVENFOLD (& Fiver Finger Death Punch), 11/17/2013 in Bochum by Kai vom Stein

I have always been excited to see AVENGED SEVENFOLD (A7X in the following) live since I started listening to their music in 2009. I just love the way they mix that classic Heavy Metal sound of the early 80’s with modern Alternative Rock and Metalcore.
Now I finally got the chance to go to a concert at Ruhrcongress in Bochum on November 17, 2013. But that’s not enough: One of their „support acts“ was FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH (5FDP in the following), which also is a band that I love to listen to! A7X was still also my personal main act, but 5FDP made a show as if they were the main act as well!
I drove to Bochum with two of my band mates, David and Ronnie, and Anne, my friend from the Linkin Park Underground. As we were having dinner before, we didn’t arrive in time to see the whole show of the first support band, called „Avatar“. We didn’t intent to see them anyway, so it was fine. We saw two songs of this band. They were cool, but not a blast. It was just nice to hear the sound of the venue, which seats about 3,000 people, and I think the whole capacity was used!
So, when Avatar was finished, we made a few steps towards the stage. We didn’t intent to come right to the very front, but we wanted to be in the middle, so we could see everything and feel the atmosphere.
While the band’s roadies were working on stage for the next band, a huge 5FDP-flag was hoisted up and the crowd already started to scream „Yeeeaaaahhh“! So, I think the other people were also excited to see them, as well as I did.
And then they started – and made an awesome show! Great instrumentalists and great singer with a fuckin‘ loud voice! He even exactly sounds like on CDs, which is not naturally nowadays. Of course they played a great collection of their best songs, like „Hard to See“, „The Bleeding“, „Burn MF“, „Burn it Down“, „Never Enough“ and more. My personal highlight was „Bad Company“, which isn’t just my favorite song of 5FDP, I also loved the way the singer introduced it: „Bochum, I have a new name for you: From now on I call you guys the Bad Company“. Awesome! The band really rocked, A7X could not have chosen a better support band!
So, now everybody was getting even more excited for A7X! Same thing as with 5FDP before, a huge A7X-flag was hoisted up, and again everybody „Yeeeeaaaaahh“, just a little louder! xD It took pretty long until they started, though. More than half an hour. But then the lights finally went out…
And then that huge flag was pulled away, just to present a huge skull with bat wings! Now the crowd got even louder and the first guitar was played. It was the intro of „Shepherd of Fire“! The whole band came on stage and fired up the crowd. When the whole band started to play the song, that big skull in the background even started to burn and other pyro effects were made! That really suits to „Shepherd of Fire“, doesn’t it? Amazing start!
Second song was „Critical Acclaim“, a very heavy one. This made me go into the mosh pit, I just couldn’t resist! The pit was big, just a great party in there. I love „dancing“ with other fans! Even more on the third song „Welcome to the Family“, just so much fun! M. Shadows isn’t just a good singer, he also knows how to have fun on stage and to entertain the crowd. His coolness (wearing sunglasses in a dark hall) is just fun to watch. Amazing show so far!
But A7X really managed to keep that level up with even more great songs like „Nightmare“, „Bat Country“, „Afterlife“, „Hail to the King“, more and the awesome quiet song „Fiction“, which was dedicated to The Rev, their past drummer, who died in 2009. Lead guitarist Synyster Gates showed his skills by playing a very long solo, alone on stage. He must be one oft the best guitarists in the world! Later, their new drummer Arin Ilejay joined him and they started to jam. Also he showed his skills on the drums and proved that he is more than just a good replacement for The Rev. Later the rest of the band joined and they made a complete band jam session, which sounded really awesome!
After this, they played a few more songs and said Goodbye. But no-one expected that they had just played their last song. Something was missing. So far they haven’t even played their big hits from the amazing old album „Waking the Fallen“. So of course, they came back on stage and played „Chapter Four“ and „Unholy Confessions“. Those two songs belong to my very favorite A7X-songs, which made me go into the mosh pit again! Two very heavy and fast songs, with the sickest guitar riffs ever! Now, THAT was a showdown! An amazing blast! Such a great band!
I really had a lot of fun with two great bands this evening and I would definately buy tickets to see them again!