Music Reviews

Album Review: Haim – Something To Tell You

The Los Angeles-based three-piece Haim has released their second album, Something To Tell You. The album by the three sisters Danielle, Este and Alana Haim is the follow-up to 2013’s debut album Days Are Gone and has been released on 7 July 2017.

I have personally never been a massive Haim fan, despite it being a genre I generally enjoy. I have seen them live at a festival twice but other than that, I wasn’t too familiar with their music. In this case, this is perhaps a good thing, so I had no particular expectations when I first put on the record. I could be either blown away or massively be let down. Luckily, the album got off to a good start.

Opening track ‘Want You Back’ is very upbeat, a cheerful indie song I could definitely see myself putting on repeat more than once. The first part of the album consists of some good indie pop tracks, with a touch of country here and there, for instance in ‘Little of Your Love’. After a while it becomes very predictable. The album lacks variety and originality overall, with some exceptions with songs like ‘You Never Knew’, which sounds almost retro. Sadly enough this variation is not good enough to save the overall monotonous nature of the album and the song sounds very much out of place. I’m all for bands trying different styles, but the identity of the album needs to be the main focus.

Something To Tell You starts out cheerful and contemporary but loses energy about four songs in, without the starting pace being picked up again. The album feels more like a collection of songs and not like a cohesive album. There are some great songs on the record, but equally as many missed opportunities. A bit of a shame, Haim…

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Linda Köke

I'm Linda, a Dutch 24 year old art and music lover. I am an art historian, working for a contemporary art platform, parttime cultural blogger, a very culinary inclined vegan (yes I will bake cookies for you!), a mother of two cats and I spend almost half my spare time on planes to or in the United Kingdom.

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