
Brand New’s Jesse Lacey Blames Sex Addiction for Sexual Misconduct of a Minor

Brand New’s front man Jesse Lacey has responded to accusations of sexual misconduct involving a minor. Two days ago, a woman had posted a series of comments on Facebook describing how Lacey had manipulated her into a sexual relationship since she was 15 years old:

“He solicited nudes from me starting when I was 15 and he was 24. Manipulated the hell out of me, demanded specific poses/settings/clothing, demeaned me, and made it clear that my sexuality was the only thing I had to offer.” She continues saying that he made her watch him masturbate on Skype: “I took screen shots at some point, they’re probably on a computer in my basement if I ever really wanted to rehash my past that much (I don’t think I do)”, and that the “relationship” caused he tremendous pain throughout her life: “It fucked me up to the point that I STILL have nightmares and wakeup in a sweat. I still breakdown and have panic attacks when people play Brand New in a bar.”

You can read her comments in this public Facebook post:

Jesse Lacey took to Facebook himself issuing a statement in which he blames sex addiction for his actions:

“Early on in my life, I developed a dependent and addictive relationship with sex. I was scared of it, ashamed, and unwilling or unable to admit it, and so it grew into a consistent and terrible problem. Years ago, after admitting my habits and cheating to my then soon to be wife, I began to approach my problem in a serious way. I entered professional treatment, both in group therapy and individual counseling, and revealed the realities of what a terrible place I had gotten to in my life, and what a terrible impact my actions had on people.” Read the full statement below:

While some of the Brand New fans seem to defend their idol despite the accusations, most people took to Twitter and Facebook to express their disgust regarding Lacey’s behaviour and the music business that had enabled and protected sexual predators throughout the years:

As you can see in the tweet above, there are still a lot of accusations against artists ghosting through the music community. This has gone on for too long. We really hope that the dirty laundry is finally aired out. Music is about love, positivity, kinship and community. Any form of harassment, hate and abuse has no place there and it’s unacceptable that there is still a system enabling sexual predators, shaming and blaming victims instead. It’s time to take a stand now! 

If you’ve been a victim of any form of abuse, there are a lot of places where you can seek help like Women’s Aid, Safe Horizon or the peeps from Girls Against. Our Twitter DMs are open for you as well! 

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Melissa Wilke

Editor-in-chief | After two years in PR, I now work as an Account Manager in an advertising agency in the beautiful city of Duesseldorf. I’ve been blogging for 7 years on several websites and started working as a freelance writer for music magazines in 2013. I believe in the social value of music and its power to change the world for the better. My favourite bands/artists are Green Day, Enter Shikari, Linkin Park, Marmozets, SWMRS, Lana del Rey, Paramore, Foo Fighters, Nirvana and too many more to list them all.

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