
Chris Cornell Estate Drops Surprise Cover Album ‘No One Sings Like You Anymore’

On behalf of the Chris Cornell estate, Vicky Cornell and her children, Toni and Christopher, have released a new album, No One Sings Like You Anymore, featuring ten cover songs personally selected and sequenced by the late Cornell as a way to celebrate the songs and artists that inspired him.

Recorded in 2016, the album features his renditions of John Lennon’s “Watching The Wheels,” Lorraine Ellison’s “Stay With Me Baby” for the HBO show Vinyl; a new recording of Prince’s “Nothing Compares 2 U,” Electric Light Orchestra’s “Showdown,” and  Guns N’ Roses’ “Patience,” which was released on his birthday this year. Also included are covers of Carl Hall, Terry Reid, and Ghostland Observatory. Check out the tracklist and artwork below.

“This album is so special because it is a complete work of art that Chris created from start to finish. His choice of covers provides a personal look into his favorite artists and the songs that touched him. He couldn’t wait to release it,” said Vicky Cornell in a statement. “This moment is bittersweet because he should be here doing it himself, but it is with both heartache and joy that we share this special album. All of us could use his voice to help heal and lift us this year, especially during the holiday season. I am so proud of him and this stunning record, which to me illustrates why he will always be beloved, honored, and one the greatest voices of our time.”

“When my dad was making this album, it was so fun — I remember waking up in the morning, having breakfast with him, and going with him into the studio,” added Toni Cornell. “We would take our piano lessons there and Christopher would play video games with Brendan and my dad. We got to experience so much with him and have so many amazing memories. I’m really happy to be sharing this album. We love you, daddy.”

No One Sings Like You Anymore is available to stream now. A physical release is expected to release March 19th. Pre-order a copy here.


No One Sings Like You Anymore by Chris Cornell album artwork cover art


Get It While You Can (popularized by Janet Joplin)
Jump Into The Fire (Harry Nilsson)
Sad Sad City (Ghostland Observatory)
Patience (Guns N’ Roses)
Nothing Compares 2 U (Prince)
Watching The Wheels (John Lennon)
You Don’t Know Nothing About Love (Carl Hall)
Showdown (Electric Light Orchestra)
To Be Treated Rite (Terry Reid)
Stay With Me Baby (Lorraine Ellison)

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Ashley Perez Hollingsworth

Ashley Perez is a freelance music journalist based in Chicago. Her work has appeared on AXS, Chicago Innerview, New City, The Millions, and Illinois Entertainer. She also runs her own music blog at Musical Fiction. Some of her favorite bands include Nirvana, The Cure, Muse, Creeper, and Green Day.

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