GID! Top 5 Albums in 2017: Editors’ Picks
Since 2017 is coming to an end, it’s time that we – the staff of GENRE IS DEAD! Magazine – take on the big challenge of picking each of our personal five favorite albums released this year. Unfortunately, there’s been too much good music, therefore we included a few honorable mentions on the last page. You can click through the multi-paged article below.
Ashley Hollingsworth-Perez (Editor)

1. Creeper – Eternity in Your Arms
This is the album I’ve been spinning all year. It’s punk rock with a dash of macabre and some theatricality for good measure. The songs range from ragers that get you moshing to sincere, heartbreaking tracks that can make you cry. If you haven’t heard this album, do yourself a favor and pick it up because Creeper are rock’s next big thing.
2. Nine Inch Nails – Add Violence EP
It’s dark, a bit scary, and unnerving, which is when Nine Inch Nails are at their best. With all the weird, moody, atmospheric sounds at play it’s an EP you get lost in and are shaken by once it’s over. Add Violence shows Trent Reznor still knows how to make chilling, compelling music so far into his career.
3. Marilyn Manson – Heaven Upside Down
With nods to Antichrist Superstar and Mechanical Animals, Manson returns with a violent, dark, and brutal album – one of his best in years. While many are quick to write off the rocker in later years, this LP proves Manson still has a lot of fire and anger in him that needs to be unleashed.
4. Queens of the Stone Age – Villains
This album isn’t as epic as their 2013 effort, but Josh Homme and Co manage to make you keep dancing with this record. It’s got everything that makes a good Queens of the Stone Age LP – memorable licks, Homme’s smooth voice, and a sultry nature – added with a good dose of groove that makes these songs irresistible.
5. 3TEETH – <shutdown.exe>
What would it sound like if Nine Inch Nails and Ministry had a baby? 3TEETH is your answer. With their second album, this industrial band hits harder with songs that are violent and somewhat terrifying, yet still make you want to headbang. If you want classic industrial metal that’s not afraid to get rough and dirty, then this is the LP you need to check out.
Go to Melissas’s Top 5 Albums in 2017
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